I have about 10 pounds of cookie dough in my fridge. HELP.

I am participating in a cookie exchange, so I must bake 2 different kinds of cookies and send them out to everyone in my group. I LOVE cookies! So of course I jumped on the chance to feed my cookie greed and trade my cookies for someone elses homemade morsels of sugary goodness.

OK, so I was sick on Thanksgiving and Friday, and I decided to mix everything Saturday night, bake them today and mail them out today (Monday). I hauled out my Kitchenaid mixer, covered my counters with all the necessary ingredients, and went to town.Well, I did a test bake on the first batch of dough.I think I did not add enough sugar to the sour cream softies. They were OK, but not FANTASTIC. So I went back and added more,but I am going to just make another batch. I was not satisfied, so when all was said and done I ended up with about 10 lbs od cookie dough between the 2 ‘flavors. Much to the delight of the husband. The man literally sat in his recliner, clapped his hands and kicked his feet!

I eventually gave up and will attempt it again when I am feeling better. I learned to cook by taste and smell, so since my senses are all screwed up, my cooking skills are practically nil! I am so pissed off since I can usually cook in my sleep. Hubby says they taste fine, but if I can’t taste it, I am not willing to foist them on my friends.

Saturday was NOT a good cooking day for me. I almost botched the beef stew as well. *Hangs head*. Remember how I just said I cook by taste? Well, I added too mcuh black pepper. If alk I can taste is the black pepper while my taste buds are fried, you KNOW it has bite. Can you imagin if I had gotten a hold of the tabasco? I am just happy the meat became tender. I had started the stew in a crockpot, but did not give it enough time to cook. Lets just say I rushed it a little on the stove to finish it off. Saturday cooking sucked, so I am on strike for the week. God forbid I screw something else up.

NOW what do I do with all that cookie dough? Let me sit and think about how to salvage it. Maybe throw some chocolate chips in there? M&M’s? Toffee bits? *thinks*

~ by Renee on November 28, 2005.

3 Responses to “I have about 10 pounds of cookie dough in my fridge. HELP.”

  1. I’m sure they taste great

    (thank goodness I’m not in your group… ha ha ha)

  2. I’d go with chocolate chips. Everything goes with them and they disguise the taste of everything if you put enough in.

    I laughed till I cried about the pepper in the stew. I’ve done that and it tasted bloody awful.


    PS. You made me type “lxubtr”

  3. karen…I almost paid off the organizer to put me in your group! LOL! =P

    Deb…I agree. I will dump a whole slew of chips in there. Cookie dough with your chocolate chips anyone?

    I am so glad my tastebuds were wonky because I could not toss out the pot of stew. We ate the WHOLE thing!

    And, I made myself type “cligcpe”.

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